Eleanor Nicholson

Eleanor Nicholson

Clinical Trials Unit and Clinical Research Coordinator
Barouch Laboratory

Eleanor graduated from Pomona College in 2024 where she captained the Varsity volleyball team and majored in Molecular Biology. As an undergraduate, Eleanor was fascinated with exploring infection diseases. She researched the positive effects that CBD has on protecting hosts from Salmonella enterica, among other enteric pathogens. Later, she worked in a malaria lab in Melbourne, Australia during her semester abroad where her project focused on localizing and characterizing a novel protein, SWEET, a bidirectional glucose transporter in Plasmodium Bergheim thought to the mechanism by which parasitism evolved Finally, for her year-long experimental thesis, she developed a high-throughput selective killing bacterial assay that tests the selectivity of new, narrow-spectrum antibiotics, including small, cyclic antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). Eleanor enjoys watching movies, and playing pickleball and beach volleyball in her free time.


Pomona College, BA in Molecular Biology