Infant Vaccine Biorepository
The Infant Vaccine Biorepository is an observational study to better understand how long the protection against infection or from a vaccine lasts when transferred through the placenta (from mother to baby). We will research infections such as influenza (the flu), pertussis (Whooping Cough), and SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). As part of the study, you will be asked to collect your baby’s blood sample at home. The consenting parent will also have the option to test the device. If that consenting parent is the parent that gave birth to the infant enrolled in the study, they will have the option to collect and send in their blood sample. You will be asked to collect a blood sample from your baby at home at 3-5 months-old, 6-8 months-old, and 9-12 months-old, using a device called the Tasso-SST. This is blood collection device that will take blood from the smallest blood vessels (the capillaries).