Bone marrow-imprinted gut-homing of plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) in acute simian immunodeficiency virus infection results in massive accumulation of hyperfunctional CD4+ pDCs in the mucosae.

Li, H., Evans, T. I., Gillis, J., Connole, M., and Reeves, R. K. 2015. Bone marrow-imprinted gut-homing of plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) in acute simian immunodeficiency virus infection results in massive accumulation of hyperfunctional CD4+ pDCs in the mucosae. J. Infect. Dis. 211(11):1717-1725. PMID: 25489000.

CD8 T cell response maturation defined by anentropic specificity and repertoire depth correlates with SIVDnef-induced protection.

Adnan, S., Colantonio, A. D., Yu, Y., Gillis, J., Wong, F. E., Becker, E. A., Piatak, M., Reeves, R. K., Lifson, J. D., O’Connor, S. L., and R. P. Johnson. 2015. CD8 T cell response maturation defined by anentropic specificity and repertoire depth correlates with SIVDnef-induced protection. PLoS Path. 11(2):e1004633. PMID: 25688559. PMCID: PMC4334552

Characterization of CD8+ T cell differentiation following SIVDnef vaccination by transcription factor expression profiling.

Billingsley, J. M., Rajakumar, P. A., Connole, M. A., Salisch, N. C., Kuzmichev, Y. V., Hong, H. S., Reeves, R. K., Kang, H.-J, Li, W., Haase, A. T., and Johnson, R. P. 2015. Characterization of CD8+ T cell differentiation following SIVDnef vaccination by transcription factor expression profiling. PLoS Pathog. 11(3):e1004740. PMID: 25768938. PMCID: PMC4358830

NK cell exhaustion: bad news for chronic disease?

Schafer, J.L., Muller-Trutwin, M.C., and Reeves, R.K. 2015. NK cell exhaustion: bad news for chronic disease? Oncotarget. 6(26):21797-21798. PMID: 26392410. PMCID: PMC4673125

Targeting the gastrointestinal tract to develop novel therapies for HIV.

Reeves, R.K., Burgener, A, and Klatt, N.R. 2015. Targeting the gastrointestinal tract to develop novel therapies for HIV. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. 98(4):381-386. PMID: 26179624

Live simian immunodeficiency virus vaccine correlate of protection: local antibody production and concentration on the path of virus entry.

Li, Q., Duan, S., Zeng, M., Shang, L., Smith, A., Wietgrefe, S., Southern, P. J., Reilly, C. S., Pambuccian, S., Skinner, P. J., Zupancic, M., Piatak, M., Waterman, D., Reeves, R. K., Lifson, J. D., Johnson, R. P., and Haase, A. T. 2014. Live simian immunodeficiency virus vaccine correlate of protection: local antibody production and concentration on the path of virus entry. J. Immunol. 193(6):3113-25. PMID: 25135832. PMCID: PMC4157131

Mechanisms, consequences, and treatment of chronic inflammation in HIV disease.

Reeves, R. K. 2014. Mechanisms, consequences, and treatment of chronic inflammation in HIV disease. J. Antivir. Antiretrovir. 6:2. e117.

Modeling HCV disease in animals: Virology, immunology, and pathogenesis of HCV and GBV-B infections.

Manickam, C. and Reeves, R. K. 2014. Modeling HCV disease in animals: Virology, immunology, and pathogenesis of HCV and GBV-B infections. Front. Microbiol. 5:690. PMID: 25538700. PMCID: PMC4259104

NK cell responses to simian immunodeficiency virus vaginal exposure in naive and vaccinated rhesus macaques.

Shang, L., Smith, A., Duan, L., Perkey, K. E., Lucy, Q. Wietgrefe, S., Zupanic, M., Southern, P. J., Reeves, R. K., Johnson, R. P., and Haase, A. T. 2014. NK cell responses to simian immunodeficiency virus vaginal exposure in naive and vaccinated rhesus macaques. J. Immunol. 193(1):277-84. PMID: 24899503. PMCID: PMC4083479

Short communication: Plasmacytoid dendritic cells from HIV-1 Elite Controllers maintain a gut-homing phenotype associated with immune activation.

Li, H., Goepfert, P., and Reeves, R. K. 2014. Short communication: Plasmacytoid dendritic cells from HIV-1 Elite Controllers maintain a gut-homing phenotype associated with immune activation. AIDS Res. Hum. Retroviruses. 30(12):1213-1315. PMID: 25387330